Tuesday, December 09, 2008


OK, you guys all know that I try to do what is right, but right now I want to freakin' raise HELL with someone over the bruises I found up and down Spencer's left arm. What the hell........I really don't know what to do....do I go raise the roof off and demand that if he can't be safe that I want a one on one, or do I let the teacher handle it while I cool down. Ms. Patice is great and I know she will help us get to the bottom of the bruises he is coming home with. I am questioning the bus, Mike thinks another kid is pinching him. A couple of weeks ago the same thing...bruises on his hip and arm. I wondered if it was at the YMCA, but no one I talked to could tell me for sure. I want so bad for Spencer to answer me when I ask him "who did this to you." But he can't and I feel so responsible for it. I am at wits end and need you all to pray for me and how to approach this problem and how to deal with it. Spencer can be a handful but still I have never left any bruises like the ones I seen on his arm this evening. He can pull, jerk, squirm, etc and I tug and pull, but never like this has he ever had bruises. HELP....suggestions would be nice, but know I'm trying not to lose my cool but to approach it in a calm manner. I just want to know what happened!!!

1 comment:

Long's Joyful Journey said...

Let me know what happens? I can riot the school or something! We can be apart of a new gang, DS Moms 4LIFE. Nah, but for real, I am praying for you all!