Thursday, June 28, 2007

2006 pics


WOW~It's been way to long

June 2007

Spencer turned 6 on the 22nd and we had a hugh pool party on the 24th. Alot of friends and family came and he enjoyed so much having them. It was fun. On June 9th, we went to Isle of Palms with the rest of the family. 4 families in the same house for a week. It went really well for all of us to be so different. We had lots of fun and lots of memories were made. My mom really enjoyed it. One of my neices couldn't make it because she was in school, but her daughter went. All of the kids enjoyed the waves and playing in the sand. We seen the Charleston Aquarium and did a Ghost Tour of Charleston. We ate dinner 1 evening at Coconut Joes and it was great.

2006 got away from me as far as posting on the blog, but I do promise to try and keep this updated. I enjoy it and hope all of you enjoy me sharing my family and especially Spencer with you. My goal is to make a impact with Down Syndrome awareness for people who don't understand about it. Hopefully through my posting about Spencer you will see he is not alot different than a typical child, just somewhat delayed in areas such as speech, gross and fine motor skills. He is the pride of my life and I do enjoy everyday I have with him.

Spencer is attending summer camp at the special school in our county and loves it. They are doing lots of fun things and it is less structured so he feels, I'm sure, like it's playtime.

Here are a few pics of the beach and birthday, plus some pics from 2006.
