Friday, October 17, 2008


OK, I'm the first to admit that I like structure in my life.....maybe I have adult ADHD?! It really isn't funny, but today was truly a messed up up @ 5am, got ready and Spencer was up by 6am. Got him on the bus @ 7:20 and I headed to Dorman. Getting into the car I heard my phone in the house ringing and I didn't answer it, thought who the heck is calling. Ended up being one of my assistance to tell me not to go to school, that we were canceled. On my way to Dorman I listen to WORD radio and just past Reidville Rd they said Dorman High was closed today because of a chemical leak at a nearby plant. I called one of the coaches I knew and he said yes we were closed and not to go to the school because they wouldn't let you on campus. By this time I'm @ 290/221 so I U turn back up 290 to the house really upset. I admit I love the thought of having the day off, but after I had got up, got ready and almost made it to school found out school was canceled and headed back up the road, I got this weird feeling like this isn't right, I'm suppose to be at school. It was really hard for my mind to make the switch, to change things that I had already started and I have to say I got scared, like maybe I hadn't heard right and I should be at school. It's strange that sometimes the mind can be so powerful that you have to really stop and think about things and make sure you go over and over what is happening and convince yourself it is the right thing to do and you did hear right.

Not sure any of this makes sense, but structure I need and not just me, but Spencer likes structure also. Not just him but my students, who I worried about, need structure and alot of their peers need structure and other teachers need structure and some of my friends need structure. I think structure makes us secure in our daily living and that is why we like it and hate to have things changed. So if I'm having a bad day, it is usually that something just isn't quite right with my routine and the same holds true for Spencer. Some structure is a good thing as long as it doesn't dominate your life!

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