Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Buddy Walk 2008

What a great cause....walking for awarness of Down Syndrome! How many people I know that are so ignorant to what Down Syndrome is! They should have all been there at the walk to see that individuals with Down Syndrome are no different than they are, but yet of course they are different. They are happy, love to dance, sing, laugh, run, walk, play etc.....things that we "typical" people don't do enough of. This is one day I love, Buddy Walk, where I see all different people, some with Down Syndrome, others without it, but they all blend together. What a wonderful day and a huge THANK YOU to Anne and Marcy for organizing it and to the sponsors for sponsoring it and to all of those that attended in honor of someone or just because they wanted to. WHAT A GREAT DAY!

1 comment:

Anne said...

Denise, these are wonderful photos! Thank you for sharing them!